Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sesame Cookies

Sesame Cookies

Apparently I'm on a savory-ish cookie streak. I guess that makes sense, since those are really the cookies that I like best, especially if they have unique flavors (not just chocolate or vanilla or cinnamon). Not that more classic cookies don't have their place, it's just that at 3:00, when I have my afternoon cup of tea, I like something a little more interesting.

Sesame Cookies

Can I tell you three things I discovered about sesame seeds? Doesn't matter, I'll tell you anyway.
Thing 1: Sesame seeds are crazy-overpriced in the regular grocery store. This recipe calls for 1 1/4 cups of sesame seeds (but you could probably get away with just 1 cup). I found a little spice-jar of sesame seeds at Safeway for Five Dollars, not even a quarter cup. I don't think so. So, I went to the local health-food store, and got a whole pound of sesame seeds from the bulk bins for less than three dollars. So, the take-home point: Get your sesame seeds in bulk.
Thing 2: When you toast sesame seeds on the stove, they pop like teeny tiny popcorn. I don't know if I was supposed to let them do this, but it happened.
Thing 3: 1 1/4 cups of freshly toasted sesame seeds smells amazing! Seriously. They smell warm and kind of interesting, and apparently hard to describe. So, yeah. Go toast some sesame seeds and you'll understand.

Sesame Cookies

The cookies themselves are just basic butter cookies, but filled with lots of ground-up sesame seeds, and whole seeds on top. They are nice and soft, and the sesame seeds add an interesting something. If you had these cookies without the seeds on top, and someone said 'Guess what's in this cookie', you probably wouldn't be able to say 'Sesame seeds', since they're kind of subtle. But they are really good. It's tempting to just sit down with a pot of coffee and eat all of them. But that would be unhealthy.

Sesame Cookies

Next week: Rocky Ledge Bars, p. 166

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